Startup Business Planner 1.1.7
Startup Business planner application enableyou to prepare the cost estimation for new business plan or startupventure. Use it to get the brief information on the processesrequired for company registration and cost associated with eachprocess. It give the clear clear idea on the process involved,associated financial capital cost and assets to set-up thebusiness.The app considers almost all the steps needed to start with newstart-up and the costs associated with each execution of process.This helps you to get the information on financial costs at anypoint, be it infrastructure requirements, staff hiring or businessmarketing. All major corporate processes are covered likeregistrations fees, set up costs, legal and account fees andrunning costs.Furthermore the main expenses are divided into operationalselections that includes installation, accounting and legalprofessionals fees, the vehicles and equipment lease costs andrunning cost, advertising and promotions, staff salaries, employeehealth insurance, ongoing office rent, bank and lender fees.User can use it for the approximated quotation for any kind ofindustry (Manufacture, Auto mobile, IT, Retail, small scaleindustry or any start up project which may or may not be requiremanpower, equipments and office space). You can set the approximatetime required in months for the business to generate first revenueafter all operating expenses. Considering these entire factors itprovide you the approx money needed to build and run the newbusiness successfully. The detailed reports with all inputs can bedownloaded any time in CSV format for references. You can createand download the live estimations at any point of time and comparethem for different scenarios. The reset option blank all fields andenable the user to start with new plan.Key functions and features✔ Step by Step cost calculation for the set-up and installation,legal and accounting fees.✔ Consider the time needed to make the start up profitable.✔ Helps you to identify and missing categories and costs which cancost you a lot in future.✔ Identify the major costs with interactive visualization.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Displays currencies as per the device locale.✔ Gives the summary along with amount required on start up✔ Graphical view with summary and details to get betterinsight.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values and displaysthe results in easy to visualize in chart or graph format.✔ Allow to choose and easily switching the values using slidercontrols.✔ Rate and share options.✔ Compact and easy to use design.✔ Organized lists for cost models at various stages.✔ Covers almost all the generic costs required to establish abusiness.✔ Download options for detailed business plan costs.✔ Reset option to restart from scratch to create uniqueplans.✔ Step by step costs and timeliness from planning to starting yourbusiness to first revenue.✔ Country selection and support for many world currencies.
Budget Planner 1.2.2
Budget Planner enables you to manage yourincomes and expenses as they come. This app helps you to keep trackof your expenditures and earnings and manage your money moreeffectively. It give you clear idea to take better steps and ideaswhen you want to buy something but not know whether you can affordit. Use it to get updated with your current balance as well as howmuch you have to pay before the end of the month.The income and expenses sources are defined to cover the daily aswell one time expenses. Just fill the expenses and incomes and seehow much money you have in hand at a particular time. The app alsogives you graphical overview of the information through pie and barcharts and helps to take quick decisions and plan expensivepurchases in advance.The budget planner helps you to set financial goals and manage theexpenses categories for any period. You can keep the daily, weekly,monthly, quarterly, and half yearly, yearly plan for reference. Ittakes almost every expense into account that may occur such ascredit cards, loan repayments and transportation, fuel, grocery.Through this app you can work out on your money or cash flow. Itgives you red indication if you are spending more than you canafford. The app can be used to keep yourself updated with currentfinances in hand and getting better surplus.Main highlights and features✔The detailed CSV download option provides you to save periodicalbudgets (Weekly, fortnightly, monthly and quarterly). You canany-time start with fresh budget after saving the results andstarting from initial (zero or surplus). The reset option allowsyou to restart from scratch, just on a tap.✔ No registration required once the application isdownloaded.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Display currencies as per the device locale.✔ Give the incomes, expenses and balance on starts up.✔ Graphical view with summary and details to get betterinsight.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values and displaysthe results in easy to visualize charts.✔ Rate and share options.✔ Compact and easy to use design✔ Country selection and support for major world currencies.
Wedding Planner 1.1.6
Wedding Budget Planner helps you to preparethe wedding budget at any point of time. You can use it to plan thebudget for pre shopping, bride maids and groomsmen shopping,florist and decoration expenses, ring ceremony, reception, giftsand keepsakes and finally the honeymoon. So you can use this simpleapplication for budget preparation for the special event. It allowsyou to save and edit the inputs.You can download the complete budget as a CSV file. Using the resetoption you can start with new budget plan. It’s a handy tool forWeddings and event planners to provide quotes, the bride to be orgroom to be can use it to keep any eye on the budget and expensesand plan accordingly.It contains the detailed check-list with covers every aspect of theevent venues to the preparation and execution of contracts. You cankeep filling the expenses as they come.The wedding events are kept in sequence to simplify the budgetingprocess as follows.✔ Pre shoppingCovers the shopping for rings, dress for bride, suit for groom andother.✔ Bridesmaids and Grooms men shoppingProvide expense details for the shopping done for bridesmaids andgroomsmen (best man, best woman).✔ FlowersExpenses for florist, bride's bouquet, buttonhole, ceremony,reception, and limo.✔ CeremonyVenue, officiants, musicians, registrar fee, decorations, limo,vehicles parking.✔ ReceptionVenue, guest stay, band D.J. music, bar cake, catering, menu.✔ Gift and keepsakesBridesmaids gifts, grooms-men gifts, photographer, videographer,thank you notes, guest keepsakes, local rituals.✔ HoneymoonAir travel, cruise trip, land travel, accommodation, spending,attractions and locations.Key highlights and Features:✔ The detailed CSV download option provides you to save weddingbudget. You can any-time start with fresh budget after saving theresults and starting from initial (zero or surplus). The resetoption allows you to restart from scratch, just on a tap.✔ No registration required once the application isdownloaded.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Display currencies as per the device locale.✔ Give the complete budget on starts up.✔ Graphical view with summary and details to get betterinsight.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values and displaysthe results in easy to visualize charts.✔ Rate and share options.✔ No advertisement and no internet connection required afterinstallation.✔ Compact and easy to use design
Christmas Planner 0.0.8
The Christmas planner android app helps you tomanage Halloween before December expenses, Christmas and New Yearbudget planning. Plan your events and everything from decoration toentertainment and parties to gifts.The app considers all major expenses during seasons from smallto big purchased. It allows save and edit the brief and thedetailed budget on the categories. Almost all categories ofpossible shopping categories are considered that may occur duringthe Santa winter season. Following is list of events (not limitedto) you can manage.✔ Gifts & cards for Family, Relatives, Friends, Neighbors,Colleagues.✔ Charitable donations.✔ Dinners and Parties (festive, late November, early December andNew Year).✔ Tree & Home Decoration, Lights (Indoor & outdoors),Garland/wreath, candles, Christmas crackers.✔ Christmas parties and Events, Eating out, spending Out,Movies.✔ Post Christmas eventsHighlights & features:✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values, displaysthe results in graphical format for better visualization.✔ Download CSV option to save the complete plan.✔ Reset option to start over again.✔ Rate and share features.✔ Country selection and support for many world currencies.
Student Budget Planner 1.1.0
Student Budget Planner app keeps you updatedwith balance in hand and save the inputs for future references. Theapplication allows you to record save and edit the incomes, studyand personal expenses. It contains the detailed checklist withcovers almost every expenditure during the study, being it fromhome, hostel or outstation.You can keep filling the expenses as they come.The budget plan is kept in the sequence of events during the study.It helps you to prepare the financial plan and does the realitycheck on the big or small expenses. The app gives you the option toadding extra expense if any in other section. Once you add theexpense (through slider or keyboard) its got saved and can beedited later.The application allows you to save the current budget to yourdevice so that you can start with fresh budget preparations.Ideally you can keep track of your budget as per your choice(Weekly, fortnightly, Monthly, And Annually). You just need to savethe current budget and move the sliders to initial positions andstart again.Features:- Compact and easy to use- Simple design with graph view- Record expenditures- Easy to operate
Budget Planner Lite 1.1.2
Budget Planner enables you to manage yourincomes and expenses as they come. This app helps you to keep trackof your expenditures and earnings and manage your money moreeffectively. It gives you clear idea to take better steps andactions when you want to buy something but not know whether you canafford it. Use it to get updated with your current balance as wellas how much you have to pay before the end of the month.Set your financial goals and manage the expenses categories for anyperiod. You can keep the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, andhalf yearly, yearly plan for reference. It takes almost everyexpense into account that may occur such as credit cards, loanrepayments and transportation, fuel, grocery. Through this app youcan work out on your money or cash flow. It gives you redindication if you are spending more than you can afford. The appcan be used to keep yourself updated with current finances in handand getting better surplus.Check your incomes and expenditures as they come and save. You canstart with fresh budget by starting from initial (zero or surplus).Through this app you can work out on your money or cash flow. Thereset option allows you to restart from scratch just on a tap. Itshows you the surplus with red indication, if you are spending morethan you can afford.Main highlights and features✔ Reset option allows you to restart from scratch, just on atap.✔ No registration required.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Give the incomes, expenses and balance on starts up..✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values and displayresults.✔ Rate and share options.✔ Compact and easy to use.✔ Simple Design.✔ Record your incomes and expenditures.
Holiday Planner Lite 1.0.8
Holiday Budget Planner is a lightweight toolfor planning, managing the holidays with custom budget. It allowsyou to plan the activities pre and post travel in sequence ofevents that occurs generally on vacations.The tool simply keeps adding the expenses as you enter and you cantake proactive steps to enjoy the budget trip.Following is considered in the calculator.Expenses before you travel.Air Travel and expenses during onboard.Transportation during the holidays covers car rental, taxi hire andpublic transport.Accommodation and restaurant and bar expenditures including tippayments.Sightseeing and indoor and outdoor activitiesCruise sailing and the general spending during sea trips.Features:- Compact and easy to use- Simple Design- Record expenditures- Easy to operate
Savings Planner 1.0.4
This app shall help you save and comparemultiple savings plan you may have in your mind for your child’seducation,dream house or vacation. It makes perfect sense tocompare well in advance all available saving plans to get maximuminterest. We plans for good savings for our loved ones or fordependants, with this app you will always remain updated with themoney in accounts.Savings Planner gives you the details on any savings plan. Youneed to enter the initial and regular deposit, deposit frequency,interest rate and savings term. The app gives you the totalinterest earned final balance along with detailed tabular data. Youcan create and save multiple savings plans as savings products.User inputs can be saved as a savings product, you can downloadthe detailed plan and shared it through email. The app tool giveyou the freedom to track your savings any-time anywhere.Savings Planner allow you to do✔Quick Saving calculations and save them as the Saving product toview later.✔Calculate and evaluate your own Saving Plan.✔Email, allowing the user to email the calculation result.✔Search from saved product, delete the selected Product.✔Quick calculations for saved products, no need to remember theinputs for later use once saved.✔Provide notification for the important functions(Save/Email/Delete)✔Export the plan details as CSV file and save them on device.
Home Budget Calculator 1.1.0
Home Budget Calculator is an easy to use anduser friendly application for household bookkeeping that takesalmost every common and regular expense in your family. The easy touse sliders are very handful for adding your incomes and expensesand program will automatically calculate your balance and surplusin hand. You can easily find your balance for any date. You canalso see visualize the incomes and expenses in circle and barcharts which gives you the idea of cash flow and ratio in a glance.The detailed CSV download option allows you to find out whereyour money is going. So that you can keep track on the top of bigexpenses, bills and spending. The application allows the end userto record save and edits values for the income sources, regularliving expenses, vehicle or transportation and big householdexpenses. By evaluating the downloaded files you can set up yourbudgets and enjoy life with a financial peace of mind.The application allows you to save the current budget to yourdevice so that you can start with fresh budget preparations. Thereset option allows you to restart from scratch just on a tap.Ideally you can keep track of your budget as per your choice(Weekly, fortnightly, Monthly, And Annually).Main highlights and features✔ Easy to use and simplified design for laymen✔ See your budget any time, anywhere✔ Record your expenses and incomes quickly✔ No registration required once the application isdownloaded.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders✔ Learn how much home you can afford and create flexible budgetplans✔ Display the currency as per the selected device locale.✔ Export to CSV financial report of your incomes, expenses andsurplus✔ Expense / income tracking✔ No advertisements (Ads)
Holiday Planner 1.1.3
Holiday Planner app allows you to plan andmanage the budget for your vacations; it’s the pro version ofHoliday Planner application. The application considers the tasksand activities may occur before, on and post travel. The events andexpenses sources are considered in sequence with optionalsubcategories. It simply keeps adding the expenses and spending andyou can take proactive steps to enjoy the budget trip.The chart view provides you a quick glance of your expense withvisual ratio on a touch.The user can download the detailed expenditure reports as CSV file.The feature is given to provide the option to manage multiple tripsand holidays. Once you have saved the report you can create newplan by just tapping the reset option. It’s an ideal tool forplanning summer or winter vacations, weekend trips, annual or smallholidays, travel and backpacker tours.Key functions✔ Consider the before holiday expenses.✔ One-way or return Air Travel, luggage, on journey andmiscellaneous expenditure during on board.✔ Spending on the transportation during the holidays.✔ Car rental, taxi hire and public transport.✔ Accommodation, hotel, restaurant and bar cost.✔ Tip payments and leisure costs.✔ Sightseeing, indoor and outdoor activities, spa and otheradventures.✔ Cruise sailing and the general spending during sea trips.Features:✔The detailed CSV download option provides you to save holidaybudget. You can any-time start with fresh budget after saving theresults and starting from initial (zero or surplus). The resetoption allows you to restart from scratch, just on a tap.✔ No registration required once the application isdownloaded.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Display currencies as per the device locale.✔ Give the complete budget on starts up.✔ Graphical view with summary and details to get betterinsight.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values and displaysthe results in easy to visualize charts.✔ Rate and share options.✔ No advertisement or internet connection required afterinstallation.✔ Compact and easy to use design
Wedding Planner Lite 1.0.7
Wedding Planner is a free application forbudget preparation for the special event. The application allowsyou to record save and edit the pre and post events expenses.It contains the detailed checklist with covers every aspect of theevent venues to the preparation and execution of contracts. You cankeep filling the expenses as they come.The budget plan is kept in the sequence of events for thewedding as follows.Pre shopping section covers the shopping for rings, dress forbride, suit for groom and other.Bridesmaids and Groomsmen section provide expense details for theshopping done for bridesmaids and groomsmen (best man, bestwoman).Once you add the expense its got saved and can be editedlater.Its the lite and free version of Wedding Budget PlannerapplicationFeatures:- Compact and easy to use- Simple Design- Record expenditures- Easy to operate
Expense Diary 1.0.4
Expense Diary android app allows you tokeeptracking of all incomes and expenses. It’s an expensemanagementtool and allows you create custom categories for incomeandexpenditure sources. The balance in hand always updates asyouenter new entry as it trace every bit of financial transactions.You can simply get brief and detailed information aboutyourbalance in hand by looking into the graphs and charts. It givesyouloan warning whenever you balance fall short. It’s acompletecustomizable expense diary in the market and fit in everybudgetmanagement scenario, whether household, manufacturing, retailorany business which uses both credit and debit transactions.Features:✔ Compact and easy to use with smooth Design.✔ Record credit and debit with detailed information.✔ Assign categories and view History.✔ Simple and easy to use search for desired time span.✔ Stay up to date with your finance.✔ Suitable toaster notifications for your inputs.✔ Better visualization and responsive graphs gives youdetailedinformation of your money.✔ No registration required once the application isdownloaded.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Rate and share options.It can be used for any purpose✔ Cost of construction for a building.✔ Credit and debit balance in business.✔ Halloween, Christmas, small events, parties.✔ Just add the category and start filling the inputs withoptionaldescription.✔ Any kind of custom budget management.✔ Country selection and support for many world currencies likeU.S.dollar, euro, Japanese yen, Chinese Yuan, British pound,Indianrupee and more.